Copyright © 2019, Wuhan GreeNet Information Service Co., Ltd.
Subclass 〉
Wireline Analytics
basic information
● Product Positioning
Fixed-line DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) products provide data support services for intelligent pipelines and network digitalization through DPI technology. The product is mainly applied to the fixed network side, providing intelligent identification and intelligent control functions, and can convert network data into structured data record(XDR) for big data association analysis on the upper platform and provide strong support for network operation and maintenance, network security, information security, network planning and market operations.
● Application Scenarios
MAN/provincial network side: MAN/provincial network side: Applied to the acquisition and parsing layers of DPI system, provide functions such as traffic identification, mirroring, filtering, and control, and send the analysis results to the application platform for large-scale storage, analysis and use.
IDC side of operators: Applied to the acquisition and parsing layers of DPI system, provide functions such as traffic identification, mirroring and filtering, enable information security management functions and send the analysis results to the application platform for large-scale storage, analysis and use.
● Product Main Functions
● Product Value
The DPI products acquires the network data, saves the service traffic data in the form of original bill, establishes a data analysis model, and uses real-time/offline analysis method to realize the massive data processing and mining, and finally generate a variety of data results that can guide operators in network construction, production and operation; the goal is to assist operators to make network visible, manageable, controllable and value-added.
● Product Features
● Product Cases
GreeNet's fixed-line DPI products have been deployed in dozens of operators, including China telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and ISPs, etc., with more than 160 cities and the accumulated bandwidth exceeding 400T.